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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CGeant4CaloHitData structure to hold the geant4 output in the Calorimeter
 CGeant4PreDigiTrackHitData structure to hold the geant4 output in the Tracker
 CDD4hepFieldMediator class between DD4hep overlayed field and Geant4 magnetic field
 NsimConversion between units
 CConstantFieldConstant magnetic field inside the cylinder
 CEventInformationAdditional event information
 CMapField2DRegularMagnetic field from the COMSOL field map
 CMapField3DRegularMagnetic field from the field map
 CEnergyInCaloLayersSums energy deposited in every calorimeter layer separately, sums also energy deposited in the dead material of the calorimeter (cryostat)
 CFastSimActionsUser action initialization for fast simulation
 CFastSimParticleInformationDescribes the information that can be assosiated with a G4PrimaryParticle class object
 CFastSimPhysicsPhysics constructor of the parametrisation process
 CFullSimActionsUser action initialization for full simulation
 CGdmlDetectorConstructionDetector construction from the GDML file
 CGeoConstructionClass to create Geant4 detector geometry from TGeo representation On demand (ie
 CGeoToGdmlDumpSvcService that dumps the geometry retrieved from the DD4hep GeoSvc to GDML file
 CInspectHitsCollectionsToolTool used to inspect the hits collection
 CISimG4ActionToolAbstract interface to load initialization list of user actions
 CISimG4DetectorConstructionAbstract interface to load G4VUserDetectorConstruction
 CISimG4EventProviderToolAbstract interface to Geant4 Primary Generator classes
 CISimG4GflashToolInterface to the Gflash parametrisation tool
 CISimG4MagneticFieldToolAbstract interface to Geant4 field classes
 CISimG4ParticleSmearToolInterface to the particle smearing tool
 CISimG4PhysicsListAbstract interface to load physics lists
 CISimG4RegionToolInterface to the tool creating region
 CISimG4SaveOutputToolInterface to the output saving tool
 CISimG4SvcInterface to the main Geant simulation service
 CITestDD4hepSvcInterface to the test service
 CMagFieldScannerService probes the Geant4 magnetic field on initialize
 CMaterialScanService that facilitates material scan on initialize This service outputs a ROOT file containing a TTree with radiation lengths and material thickness For an example on how to read the file, see Examples/scripts/material_plots.py
 CMaterialScan_2D_genericAngleService that facilitates material scan on initialize This service outputs a ROOT file containing a TTree with radiation lengths and material thickness in both eta/theta (in degrees)/cos(theta)/theta (in radians) and in phi (2D material scan)
 CMaterialScan_genericAngleService that facilitates material scan on initialize This service outputs a ROOT file containing a TTree with radiation lengths and material thickness in either eta, theta (in degrees), cos(theta) or theta (in radians)
 CMergeCellsMerge cells for one field of the segmentation
 CMergeLayersMerge layers (volume ids)
 CParticleHistoryActionUser tracking action that stores particle history
 CParticleHistoryEventActionUser event action that creates the EventInformation class that holds information on secondaries
 CRedoSegmentationRedo the segmentation after the simulation has ended
 CRewriteBitfieldRewrite the readout bitfield
 CRunManagerImplementation of the main class for the simulation in Geant4
 CSamplingFractionInLayersHistograms of energy deposited in active material and total energy deposited in the calorimeter
 CSimG4AlgGeant simulation algorithm
 CSimG4CrossingAngleBoostBoost 'generated' particles according the crossing angle
 CSimG4DD4hepDetectorDetector construction tool using the DD4hep
 CSimG4FastSimActionsTool for loading fast simulation user action initialization (list of user actions)
 CSimG4FastSimHistogramsFast simulation histograms algorithm
 CSimG4FastSimPhysicsListFast simulation physics list tool
 CSimG4FastSimTrackerRegionTool for creating regions for fast simulation, attaching sim::FastSimModelTracker to them
 CSimG4FtfpBertFTFP_BERT physics list tool
 CSimG4FullSimActionsTool for loading full simulation user action initialization (list of user actions)
 CSimG4FullSimDCHRegionTool for creating regions for fast simulation, attaching sim::FastSimModelTracker to them
 CSimG4GdmlDetectorDetector construction tool using the GDML file
 CSimG4GflashHomoCaloTool creating a parametrisation of a homogenous calorimeter
 CSimG4GflashSamplingCaloTool creating a parametrisation of a sampling calorimeter
 CSimG4OpticalPhysicsListFTFP_BERT physics list + Optical photons physics lists tool
 CSimG4ParticleSmearFormulaFormula particle smearing tool
 CSimG4ParticleSmearRootFileRoot file particle smearing tool
 CSimG4ParticleSmearSimpleSimple particle smearing tool
 CSimG4PrimariesFromEdmToolTool to translate an EDM MCParticleCollection into a G4Event
 CSimG4SaveCalHitsSave calorimeter hits tool
 CSimG4SaveParticleHistoryThis tool allows to save the particle history of particles decaying during the simulation
 CSimG4SaveSmearedParticlesSave 'reconstructed' (smeared) particles
 CSimG4SaveTrackerHitsSave tracker hits tool
 CSimG4SaveTrajectoryTool to save Geant4 Trajectory data
 CSimG4SingleParticleGeneratorToolTool that generates single particles with parameters set via options file
 CSimG4SmearGenParticlesSmear 'generated' (smeared) particles
 CSimG4SvcMain Geant simulation service
 CSimG4UserLimitPhysicsListUser limits physics list tool
 CSimG4UserLimitRegionTool for creating regions with user limits