►CGaudi::Algorithm | |
►CAlgTool | |
►Cextends | |
►Cextends1 | |
CFastSimActions | User action initialization for fast simulation |
CFastSimParticleInformation | Describes the information that can be assosiated with a G4PrimaryParticle class object |
CFastSimPhysics | Physics constructor of the parametrisation process |
CFullSimActions | User action initialization for full simulation |
►CG4MagneticField | |
►CG4ParticleDefinition | |
►CG4RunManager | |
►CG4UserEventAction | |
►CG4UserTrackingAction | |
►CG4VContinuousProcess | |
►CG4VFastSimulationModel | |
►CG4VHit | |
►CG4VModularPhysicsList | |
►CG4VPhysicsConstructor | |
►CG4VUserActionInitialization | |
►CG4VUserDetectorConstruction | |
►CG4VUserEventInformation | |
►CG4VUserPrimaryParticleInformation | |
CGdmlDetectorConstruction | Detector construction from the GDML file |
CGeoConstruction | Class to create Geant4 detector geometry from TGeo representation On demand (ie |
►CIAlgTool | |
►CIService | |
CParticleHistoryAction | User tracking action that stores particle history |
CParticleHistoryEventAction | User event action that creates the EventInformation class that holds information on secondaries |
CRunManager | Implementation of the main class for the simulation in Geant4 |
►CService | |
CMagFieldScanner::TubeProbe | |
CMagFieldScanner::XYPlaneProbe | |
CMagFieldScanner::ZPlaneProbe |