1.4. An introduction to FCC Software

Learning Objectives

  • Learn the key concepts needed to work with the FCC software

  • Learn how to launch the FCC software with fccrun

Imagine you want to design and run a new particle detector. Apart from organizing a collaboration, creating the design and specification, and several other tasks, you will also have to find solutions to many computational challenges. It’s worth thinking about these for a second:

  • How do we collect data as it is recorded by the detector?

  • How do we filter and process the recorded data efficiently?

  • How do we manage all the complex tasks required to work with collision data?

  • How do we organize all the data of a single bunch crossing in a flexible way?

  • How do we configure our software flexibly without having to recompile it?

  • Can you think of more?

How would you go about solving these? The decisions you make will affect the performance of your experiment during datataking and analysis.

At FCC, we base our software on the Gaudi framework, which was specifically designed with the above questions in mind. It’s worth getting an idea of some of the most important Gaudi concepts at this point. After this, we will jump right into running the software and getting useful things done.

Event Loop: Because the individual bunch crossings (events) are almost completely independent of each other, it makes sense to process them one by one, without holding them all in memory at once. Gaudi provides a global EventLoop, which allows you to process events one by one.

Transient Event Store: A single event contains lots of different data objects (Particles, Vertices, Tracks, Hits). In Gaudi, these are organized in the Transient Event Store (TES). You can think of it as a per-event file system with locations like /Event/Rec/Track/Best or /Event/Phys/MyParticles. When running over the event stream, Gaudi allows you to get and put from/to these locations. The contents of the TES are emptied at the end of the processing of each event.

Algorithms: An Algorithm is a C++ class that can be inserted into the EventLoop. These allow you to perform a certain function for each event (like filtering according to trigger decision, reconstructing particles).

Tools: Often, algorithms will want to make use of some common function (vertex fitting, calculating distances, associating a primary vertex). These are implemented as Tools, which are shared between Algorithms.

Options: To make all of this configurable, Gaudi allows you to set properties of Algorithms and Tools from a Python script, called an option file. In an option file, you can specify which Algorithms are run in which order, and set their properties (strings, integers, doubles, and lists and dicts of these things can be set). You can then start the Gaudi EventLoop using this option file, and it will set up and run the corresponding C++ objects with specified settings.

You can find comprehensive documentation in the Gaudi Doxygen or the Gaudi Manual.

Usually, you will work with one of the FCC software framework FCCSW that are based on Gaudi. One of the most important ones is DaVinci, which provides lots of Algorithms and Tools for physics analysis.

You can run gaudi using the following command on lxplus:

source /cvmfs/fcc.cern.ch/sw/latest/setup.sh
echo "from Configurables import ApplicationMgr" > option.py
fccrun option.py

ApplicationMgr is a component that sets up the EventLoop. You should get the following output:

                                                   Welcome to ApplicationMgr (GaudiCoreSvc v32r2)
                                          running on lxplus707.cern.ch on Thu Sep 19 14:17:08 2019
ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
HistogramPersis...WARNING Histograms saving not required.
ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Initialized successfully
ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Started successfully
EventSelector        INFO End of event input reached.
EventLoopMgr         INFO No more events in event selection 
ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Stopped successfully
EventLoopMgr         INFO Histograms converted successfully according to request.
ToolSvc              INFO Removing all tools created by ToolSvc
ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Finalized successfully
ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Terminated successfully

During this run, FCCSW didn’t do anything: We didn’t specify any algorithms to run or any data to run over.

An option.py is just a regular Python script that specifies how to set things up in the software. Many of the following lessons will teach you how to do something with FCCSW by showing you how to write or extend an options.py. You can use the above command to test it. You can also specify several option files like this:

fccrun options1.py options2.py

They will then both be used to set up FCCSW.

Do you want to get an overview of which Components of FCCSW exist? Use

fccrun --list

You can then look components up on github to find more information. However, it is advised to follow this tutorial, as many of the components are introduced here and used in example jobs.

fccrun and command line arguments

fccrun is a wrapper around a gaudi script called gaudirun.py. fccrun makes it easier to configure jobs on the command line. It is a dynamic script, i.e. it command line options depend on the options file and let you modify options.py without opening an editor. Take a look at the example job to run Pythia8:

less $FCCSW/Examples/options/pythia.py

and compare it with the command line options for fccrun:

fccrun $FCCSW/Examples/options/pythia.py -h

And note that you have to give an options.py as the first argument to fccrun in order for this to work:

fccrun -h