The FCC Tutorials
These are the lessons taught during the FCC Tutorials (the format is heavily inspired by the LHCb starterkit). If you’d like to join the next tutorial, visit the FCCSW website to find out when it will happen and how to sign up.
If you’d just like to learn about how to use the FCC software, read on!
- 1. First Steps
- 2. Generators, Fast Simulation and Analysis
- 2.1. FCC: Getting started with event generation
- 2.2. FCC: Getting started with simulating events in Delphes
- 2.3. FCC: Analysing simulated events
- 2.4. FCC: tracking and vertexing example using specific flavour decays
- 2.5. FCCAnalyses: Common problems and solutions
- 2.5.1. Prerequisites
- 2.5.2. Overall organisation of analysis code (C++)
- 2.5.3. Reading objects from EDM4hep
- 2.5.4. Association between
- 2.5.5. Navigation through the history of the MC particles
- 2.5.6. Writing a new analyzer
- 2.5.7. Writing a new struct
- 2.5.8. Writing a new module
- 2.5.9. Writing your own analysis using the case-studies generator
- 2.6. Central production of events
- 2.6.1. Clone and initialisation
- 2.6.2. Generate LHE files from gripacks
- 2.6.3. Generate LHE files directly from MG5
- 2.6.4. Generate STDHEP files directly from Whizard + Pythia6
- 2.6.5. Generate EDM4hep files from the LHE and decay with Pythia8
- 2.6.6. Generate EDM4hep files from STDHEP
- 2.6.7. Generate EDM4hep files from Pythia8
- 2.6.8. Expert mode
- 2.6.9. Produce samples with EventProducer outside of official campaign
- 3. Full Simulation
- 4. Distributed computing
- 5. Developing FCCSW
- 6. Contributing