3.4. Visualization
Visualization is of paramount importance in order to easily understand the behavior of the detector and simulation. In this section, several tools of visualizing the detector geometry and the particle tracks are provided.
3.4.1. Key4hep tool: geoDisplay
The tool geoDisplay
is available as part of Key4hep
project. To use it, first we need to source it from LCG
source /cvmfs/sft.cern.ch/lcg/views/dev4/latest/x86_64-centos7-gcc11-opt/setup.sh
To use it, just pass as first argument the xml
file with the detector description, for example
geoDisplay $DD4hepINSTALL/DDDetectors/compact/SiD.xml
3.4.2. Geant4
The Geant 4
visualization capabilities can be accessed as
source /cvmfs/sft.cern.ch/lcg/views/dev4/latest/x86_64-centos7-gcc11-opt/setup.sh
ddsim --compactFile $DD4hepINSTALL/DDDetectors/compact/SiD.xml --runType vis
This version of Geant 4
is built with Qt
interface, and can be explicitly called as
ddsim --compactFile $DD4hepINSTALL/DDDetectors/compact/SiD.xml --runType qt
As in the previous step, the LCG
version of Key4hep
was sourced.
3.4.3. Phoenix@FCC
Phoenix is a web based event display for High Energy Physics. To visualize FCC events one needs to provide detector geometry and generated events — event data.
In this tutorial we will be working with files/programs stored on two computers.
First computer will be the one which can source Key4hep stack, e.g. lxplus
the second one will be yours with the recent web browser. We will call the first
one the remote machine and the second one the local machine. Event Data from CLD Reconstructed Events
Let’s start with the visualization of the event data in the established detector design – CLD, which started its life as the detector designed for the linear collider concept CLIC. The detectors in Key4hep are described using DD4hep compact files. The compact files are written in XML and expose configuration options for the detector.
Example CLD compact file can be examined after sourcing of the Key4hep stack on the remote machine
source /cvmfs/sw-nightlies.hsf.org/key4hep/setup.sh
like so
less ${K4GEO}/FCCee/CLD/compact/CLD_o2_v07/CLD_o2_v07.xml
This file is part part of the k4geo repository, which stores among other detector concepts integrated in Key4hep also FCC-ee detector designs.
The Phoenix web application already showcases the CLD detector in different options here and we will simulate few events in order to visualize them there.
On the remote machine we will need to clone the CLDConfig repository
git clone https://github.com/key4hep/CLDConfig.git
cd CLDConfig/CLDConfig
run the simulation
ddsim --compactFile ${K4GEO}/FCCee/CLD/compact/CLD_o2_v07/CLD_o2_v07.xml \
--steeringFile cld_steer.py \
--inputFiles ../test/yyxyev_000.stdhep \
--outputFile tops_cld_SIM_edm4hep.root \
--numberOfEvents 5
and after that, run the reconstruction with the help of the
steering file
k4run CLDReconstruction.py --inputFiles tops_cld_SIM_edm4hep.root \
--outputBasename tops_cld \
--num-events -1
There should now be a file called tops_cld_REC_edm4hep.root
inside our working
directory. More information about running of the CLD FullSim you can visit
FCC-ee Detector Full Sim
In order to visualize the events inside tops_cld_REC_edm4hep.root
file we
need to convert the EDM4hep ROOT file into
intermediate JSON representation with the command:
edm4hep2json -e 0 tops_cld_REC_edm4hep.root
EDM4hep in JSON
Be careful when converting EDM4hep ROOT files into JSON files as JSON is very ineffective in storing information leading to very large file size.
Always check size of your file to be around 200MB at maximum. One can check the
file size using du
du -h tops_cld_REC.edm4hep.json
The edm4hep2json
offers possibility to limit either number of events exported
or which collections. See edm4hep2json -h
for more details.
Now we download the obtained file from the remote machine into our local one.
Most easily done with scp
scp lxplus.cern.ch:CLDConfig/CLDConfig/tops_cld_REC.edm4hep.json .
To upload the EDM4hep JSON file into the Phoenix use the upload button in the lover right corner of the web page

to bring up modal with our desired upload option

The detector and event data might look similar to this screenshot

Example reconstructed event in CLD detector
EDM4hep JSON File
The obtained EDM4hep JSON file should look similar to this one [Right click to download]. Event Data from Delphes Fast Simulation
Let’s start by generating sample files using Generate and Simulate Events with DelphesEDM4Hep tutorial section.
Produced EDM4hep ROOT file(s) needs to be converted into intermediate JSON
format with the edm4hep2json
converter. Let’s look at the file more closely,
so we can decide what to keep/convert.
Primary tool for inspecting EDM4hep files is podio-dump
. This command can show
you list of all collections and also metadata stored in the file. To list the
collections in the default frame use
podio-dump p8_ee_ZH_ecm240_edm4hep.root
Alternatively, one can always use ROOT to inspect the file. Start by running
root p8_ee_ZH_ecm240_edm4hep.root
and execute the Show()
command on the events
root [1] events->Show(2);
this will show you all the branches which are by the PODIO reader to recreate EDM4hep objects and their relations in memory.
Using edm4hep2json
for converting the EDM4hep ROOT file into JSON we select
desired collections with -l
flag and limit number of converted events to 10
with -n
edm4hep2json -l ReconstructedParticles,Jet,EFlowTrack,TrackerHits,Particle,MCRecoAssociations,MissingET -n 10 p8_ee_ZH_ecm240_edm4hep.root
The resulting EDM4hep JSON file can now be downloaded with scp
to the local
machine and uploaded into
Phoenix visualization
of the IDEA detector.
EDM4hep JSON File
The obtained EDM4hep JSON file should look similar to this one [Right click to download]. Detector Geometry
There are several ways how to import FCC detector geometry into Phoenix.
Currently the preferred method is to convert compact DD4hep file(s) to ROOT
files and from ROOT files to glTF files. The first conversion
-> .root
) is straightforward and can be done using script like
With the most important part being the building of the detector geometry from
the compact file
import ROOT
description = ROOT.dd4hep.Detector.getInstance()
for cfile in compact_files:
We will try to convert FCCee Noble Liquid Calorimeter. On the remote machine
with FCCSW stack already sourced download the dd4hep2root
wget https://fccsw.web.cern.ch/fccsw/tutorials/static/python/dd4hep2root
make it executable
chmod u+x dd4hep2root
and run the conversion with
./dd4hep2root -c ${FCCDETECTORS}/Detector/DetFCCeeIDEA-LAr/compact/FCCee_DectEmptyMaster.xml \
-o fccee_lar.root
The resulting file fccee_lar.root
can already be visualized with ROOT. Let’s
download it to the local machine with scp
and then upload it into
JSROOT. This way we don’t have to have ROOT
installed on our local machine.

Resulting in the following visualization

Noble Liquid Calorimeter visualized with JSROOT
Second conversion (.root
-> .gltf
) requires additional configuration and
can be done using the
We have to create menu items, suppress drawing of detector parts which are too
detailed or can affect the performance.
The root_cern-To_gltf-Exporter converter runs in the browser and is configured with an HTML page. It is recommended to run the converter on the local machine, but it should be possible to run it also on the remote machine over SSH with XWindowing enabled.
Let’s start with cloning the converter repository
git clone https://github.com/HSF/root_cern-To_gltf-Exporter.git
cd root_cern-To_gltf-Exporter
then, we create new file fccee_lar_conversion.html
and use, for example, the
following configuration for the FCCee Noble Liquid Calorimeter:
<script src="https://unpkg.com/three@0.139.1/build/three.js"> </script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/three@0.139.1/examples/js/exporters/GLTFExporter.js"> </script>
<script src="https://root.cern/js/latest/scripts/JSRoot.core.js"> </script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/FileSaver.js/1.3.8/FileSaver.js"></script>
<script type="module">
import { convertGeometry } from './phoenixExport.js';
var hide_children = [
var subparts = {
"Cryo Front" : [["ECAL_Cryo_front_0"], .8],
"Cryo Back" : [["ECAL_Cryo_back_1"], .8],
"Cryo Sides" : [["ECAL_Cryo_side_2"], .8],
"Services Front" : [["services_front_3"], .6],
"Services Back" : [["services_back_4"], .6],
"Bath": [["LAr_bath_5"], true]
convertGeometry("./fccee_lar.root", "fccee_lar.gltf",
4, subparts, hide_children, "default", 120);
Last missing peace is the ROOT file containing the detector geometry
which we should also copy into the converter directory.
To start the converter do
which will start the web server and show URL to which we can connect through the web browser
Started http server to serve requests at:
In the web browser we should see directory listing similar to this one:

clicking on the fccee_lar_conversion.html
starts the conversion. At the end of
it the automatic download pop-up should appear in the browser window. The glTF
file can be uploaded into Playground section of the
Phoenix application by
selecting the correct geometry file format:

The resulting visualization will be similar to the following screenshot

Example reconstructed event in CLD detector
glTF File
The obtained glTF file should look similar to this one [Right click to download].
LAr Clusters
Try to reconstruct calorimeter clusters in LAr Calorimeter and visualize them in the Phoenix Playground alongside with the detector.