2.1. FCC: Getting started with event generation
2.1.1. Overview
2.1.2. Enabling FCCSW
To configure your environment for the FCC software, just do:
source /cvmfs/sw.hsf.org/key4hep/setup.sh
Nota Bene
For legacy reasons the following is still provided, fully equivalent to the above
source /cvmfs/fcc.cern.ch/sw/latest/setup.sh
Builds exist on CernVM-FS for CentOS7 (this is the Operating System run on lxplus
) using gcc11.
The k4run
steering application should be available at this point:
which k4run
# The output might differ, but shouldn't be empty and the structure should be similar
The application fccrun
is still provided, fully equivalent to k4run
Nota Bene
You will need to source the /cvmfs/sw.hsf.org/key4hep/setup.sh
script everytime you want to use the software.
2.1.3. Generators Overview
The physics generators available for FCC typically come from the underlying stack. However, any generator
able to generate events in one of the understood formats, e.g. HepMC or EDM4hep or LHEf, can be used in standalone.
The recommended formats are HepMC3
and EDM4hep
This pages intend to illustrate the use of a few general purpose generators available when enabling FCCSW:
pythia8, whizard, MadGraph5, Herwig, KKMCee, BHLUMI, BabaYaga. Pythia8
Pythia8 is fully intergrated in Key4hep
software stack and it provides diverse functionality in addition to event generation,
including capability to read events in LHEF format.
To use Pythia8 we need a Gaudi steering file and a configuration file. Examples of configuration files can be obtained from the FCC-config repository.
The Gaudi steering file needs to activate the GaudiAlgorithm
that runs Pythia8; the algorithm is available from the k4Gen
repository and it is called PythiaInterface.
An example of steering file can be found at https://github.com/HEP-FCC/k4Gen/blob/main/k4Gen/options/pythia.py. The steering file runs the miniaml set of algorithms to run Pythia8 and produce an output in EDM4hep
$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HEP-FCC/k4Gen/main/k4Gen/options/pythia.py
$ k4run pythia.py -h
--> Pythia8 --> HepMCToEDMConverter --> StableParticles --> out
-n NUM_EVENTS, --num-events NUM_EVENTS
Number of events to run
--out.filename [OUT.FILENAME], --filename.out [OUT.FILENAME]
Name of the file to create [PodioOutput]
--Pythia8.PythiaInterface.pythiacard [PYTHIA8.PYTHIAINTERFACE.PYTHIACARD], --pythiacard.Pythia8.PythiaInterface [PYTHIA8.PYTHIAINTERFACE.PYTHIACARD]
For example, to generate 500 e+e- → mu+mu- at 91.2 GeV, we can do the following: download the configuration file:
$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HEP-FCC/FCC-config/main/FCCee/Generator/Pythia8/p8_ee_Zmumu_ecm91.cmd
and run
k4run pythia.py -n 500 --out.filename p8_mumu_500.e4h.root --Pythia8.PythiaInterface.pythiacard p8_ee_Zmumu_ecm91.cmd Whizard
Whizard is available as standalone program:
which whizard
Whizard is run as this:
whizard <process_config>.sin
Example of process configuration files are found under
ls /cvmfs/sw.hsf.org/spackages6/whizard/3.0.1/x86_64-centos7-gcc11.2.0-opt/pmm4s/share/whizard/examples/
or at https://gitlab.tp.nt.uni-siegen.de/whizard/public/-/tree/master/share/examples
Some examples more specific to FCC can be found under
ls /eos/project-f/fccsw-web/www/share/gen/whizard/
or browsing https://fccsw.web.cern.ch/fccsw/share/gen/whizard/Zpole/
, if EOS is not available.
Show dimuon example
It is advised to work in a separate directory for each process. For example, for Z_mumu, we have:
mkdir -p test_whizard/Z_mumu; cd test_whizard/Z_mumu
wget https://fccsw.web.cern.ch/fccsw/share/gen/whizard/Zpole/Z_mumu.sin
whizard Z_mumu.sin
| Writing log to 'whizard.log'
| |
| |
| |
| WHIZARD 3.0.1
| Reading model file '/cvmfs/sw.hsf.org/spackages6/whizard/3.0.1/x86_64-centos7-gcc11.2.0-opt/pmm4s/share/whizard/models/SM.mdl'
| Preloaded model: SM
| Process library 'default_lib': initialized
| Preloaded library: default_lib
| Reading model file '/cvmfs/sw.hsf.org/spackages6/whizard/3.0.1/x86_64-centos7-gcc11.2.0-opt/pmm4s/share/whizard/models/SM_hadrons.mdl'
| Reading commands from file 'Z_mumu.sin'
| Switching to model 'SM', scheme 'default'
$description = "A WHIZARD 3.0 Example.
Z -> mumu @ 91.2 events for FCC ee."
$y_label = "$N_{\textrm{events}}$"
$sample = "z_mumu"
| Starting simulation for process 'zmumu'
| Simulate: using integration grids from file 'zmumu.m1.vg'
| RNG: Initializing TAO random-number generator
| RNG: Setting seed for random-number generator to 22345
| Simulation: requested number of events = 1000
| corr. to luminosity [fb-1] = 6.6285E-04
| Events: writing to HepMC file 'z_mumu.hepmc'
| Events: writing to raw file 'z_mumu.evx'
| Events: generating 1000 unweighted, unpolarized events ...
| Events: event normalization mode '1'
| ... event sample complete.
| Events: actual unweighting efficiency = 1.16 %
Warning: Encountered events with excess weight: 6 events ( 0.600 %)
| Maximum excess weight = 2.465E+00
| Average excess weight = 4.511E-03
| Events: closing HepMC file 'z_mumu.hepmc'
| Events: closing raw file 'z_mumu.evx'
| There were no errors and 2 warning(s).
| WHIZARD run finished.
The file z_mumu.hepmc
contains 100 e+e- → mu+mu-(gamma) events in HepMC 3 format . MadGraph5
MadGraph5 is available as standalone program:
which mg5_aMC
/cvmfs/sw.hsf.org/spackages6/madgraph5amc/2.8.1/x86_64-centos7-gcc11.2.0-opt/3tclk/bin/mg5_aMC Herwig
Herwig is available as standalone program:
which Herwig
/cvmfs/sw.hsf.org/spackages6/herwig3/7.2.3/x86_64-centos7-gcc11.2.0-opt/5d2cb/bin/Herwig KKMCee
is an adaptation of the KKMC
Monte Carlo generator (the latest version of the Koral
generators) to the
case of FCC-ee.
KKMCee is available as standalone program when using the key4hep stack:
which KKMCee
A help function is available:
KKMCee -h
Show help function output
+++ Wrapper around the KKMCee executable +++
Usage: \tKKMCee -f Mu|Tau|UDS|C|B|Hadrons -e Ecms -n Nevts -o output_file [-s initial_seed] [OPTIONS]
\tKKMCee -c config_file [-s initial_seed]
-c, --config file Path to configuration file
-f, --flavour flavour Flavour to be generated (Mu|Tau|UDS|C|B|Hadrons)
-e, --ecms energy Center of Mass energy in GeV
-n, --nevts events Number of events to be generated
-o, --outfile file File with the generated events in HEPMCv3 format [kkmcee.hepmc]
-s, --initialseed Long number to be used for initial seeding (randomly generated, if missing)
-b, --bessig bessig Beam-Energy-Spread of both beams (or of the first beam, if bessig2<0.)
[fraction of Ecms/2, default -1. (no spread)]
-g, --bessig2 bessig2 Beam-Energy-Spread of the second beam if different from the first beam; fraction of Ecms/2.
[fraction of Ecms/2, default -1. (no spread or equal to first beam)]
-r, --besrho rho Beam-Energy-Spread correlation [default 0.]
-d, --debug lvl PrintOut Level 0,1,2 [default 1]
Special options for taus only:
-t, --taudec t1*1000+t2 decay channel for the first (t1) and second tau (t2)
0 Inclusive
1,2,3 electron,mu,pi
4,5,6,7 rho,a1,K,K*
8,9,10,11,12,13 3pip0,pi3pi0,3pi2pi0,5pi,5pip0,3pi3p0
14, ... (other rare decays see tauola++)
--tauopt file File with tau options (see Tauola section in KKMCee_defaults)
the file is included as it is and overwrites other settings
KKMCee -f Mu -e 91.2 -n 10000 -o kkmu_10000.hepmc -b 0.001
KKMCee -c kkmc_ditau.input
KKMCee -f B -e 91.2 -n 1000 -o kkbb_1000.hepmc
NB: (1) This wrapper works only for KKMCee versions 5 or newer
(2) Output is HEPMC v3
Note that the BES (Beam Energy Spread) options are only available in version 4.32.01 and higher.
A configuration example file for taus is available under at
ls `dirname $( which KKMCee )`/../share/KKMCee/examples/kkmc-tauola.input
Show dimuon example
To generate a sample of dimuon events using the example files, do the following
KKMCee -f Mu -e 91.2 -n 1000 -o kkmu_1000.hepmc
The output should look something like this:
Seeds: 29318493 48191772
29318493 IJKLIN= 29318493 48191772
0 NTOT2N= 0
------- starting from the scratch ----------
ranmar initialized: ij,kl,ijkl,ntot,ntot2= 974 18625 29318493 0 0
1000 requested events
* KK2f_ReaDataX Starts *
* Center-of-mass energy [GeV]
1 91.0000 CMSene =xpar( 1) Average Center of mass energy [GeV]
* Define process
413 1.00000 KFfin, muon
100 1.00000 store lhe file to (LHE_OUT.LHE)
--------------- 26 36 LHE_OUT.LHE
************************* one can change the lhf file name between brackets
* KK2f_ReaDataX Ends *
Tables are READ from DiskFile dizet/table.down
= 91.1876000 125.1000000 173.0000000 0.2234020 2.4953766 80.3588894 2.0898788
Event listing (summary)
I particle/jet KS KF orig p_x p_y p_z E m
1 !e-! 21 11 0 0.000 0.000 45.500 45.500 0.001
2 !e+! 21 -11 0 0.000 0.000 -45.500 45.500 0.001
3 (Z0) 11 23 1 0.039 0.001 0.115 90.879 90.879
4 gamma 1 22 1 0.000 0.000 -0.001 0.001 0.000
5 gamma 1 22 1 -0.039 -0.001 -0.114 0.120 0.000
6 mu- 1 13 3 14.678 0.229 43.067 45.500 0.106
7 mu+ 1 -13 3 -14.639 -0.229 -42.952 45.379 0.106
sum: 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 91.000 91.000
iev= 501
generation finished
xSecPb, xErrPb = 1442.5021729176829 13.903134156944603
++ GLK_PRINT: bmin.eq.bmax, id= 50004 ++
++ GLK_PRINT: bmin.eq.bmax, id= 50005 ++
real 0m4.043s
user 0m3.777s
sys 0m0.085s
and a file kkmu_1000.hepmc
creates several files during its run. These are saved into a folder called KKMCee-<date>-<time>
, for example KKMCee-12Oct2022-191047
This folder contains the files:
$ ls KKMCee-12Oct2022-191047
DIZET-table1 TabMain77.output TabMainC.output mcgen.root pro.input pro.output pro77.output
The file pro.input
contains the configuration options and can be used to repeat the run
KKMCee -c KKMCee-12Oct2022-191047/pro.input
and, of course, as base configuration file example for further variations. BHLUMI
is a Monte Carlo generator of Bhabha events used at LEP for luminosity studies.
BHLUMI is available as standalone program when using the key4hep stack:
which BHLUMI
A help function is available:
Show help function output
+++ Wrapper around the BHLUMI.exe executable +++
Usage: BHLUMI -e Ecms -n Nevts -f Thmin -t Thmax -x epscms -o output_file [-s seed_file]
BHLUMI -c config_file [-s seed_file]
-c, --config file Path to configuration file
-e, --ecms energy Center of Mass energy in GeV
-n, --nevts energy Number of events to be generated
-f, --Thmin theta Minimum theta [rad]
-t, --Thmax theta Maximum theta [rad]
-x, --epscms fraction Energy cut-off in fraction of Ecms
-o, --outfile file File with the generated events in LHE format
-s, --seedfile file File to be used for seeding (randomly generated, if missing)
BHLUMI -f 0.022 -t 0.082 -x 0.001 -e 91.2 -n 10000 -o kkmu_10000.LHE
BHLUMI -c bhlumi.input
Additional switches (for experts only):
-k, --keyopt KEYOPT Technical parameters switch [default 3021]
-r, --keyrad KEYRAD Physics parameters switch [default 1021]
(Contact BHLUMI authors for details, e.g. through https://github.com/KrakowHEPSoft/BHLUMI) BabaYaga
is a Monte Carlo generator of two-photons events used at LEP.
BabaYaga is available as standalone program when using the key4hep stack:
which babayaga
A help function is available:
babayaga -h
Show help function output
+++ Wrapper around the babayaga-fcc.exe executable +++
+++ Process: e+e- -> gamma gamma
Usage: babayaga -e Ecms -n Nevts -f Thmin -t Thmax -x epscms -o output_file [-s seed]
babayaga -c config_file [-s seed]
-c, --config file Path to configuration file
-e, --ecms energy Center of Mass energy in GeV
-n, --nevts energy Number of events to be generated
-f, --Thmin angle Minimum theta [deg]
-t, --Thmax angle Maximum theta [deg]
-a, --acolmax angle Max acollinearity [deg]
-m, --emin energy Min energy in GeV
-x, --eps fraction Soft-photon cut-off
-o, --outfile file File with the generated events in LHE format
-w, --outdir path Path with working space (and residual files)
-s, --seed number Number used for seeding (randomly generated, if missing)
-d, --debug number Debug level (0, 1, 2, ...)
babayaga -f 15. -t 165. -e 91.2 -n 10000 -o bbyg_10000.LHE
babayaga -c babayaga.input -o bbyg.LHE
2.1.4. Hands-on case study: ditau events with KKMCee, Pythia8 and Whizard
In this section we describe, with exercises, the generation of an equivalent sample of Monte Carlo events with three diffent generators,
, Pythia8
and Whizard
. The process chosen is e-e+ → tau-tau+ (hereafter referred to as ditaus) at a centre of mass energy of 91.2 GeV. In the three cases 10000 will be generated and saved in ROOT
files in EDM4hep
format. Generating ditaus with KKMCee
As shown in the KKMCee section, event generation with the KKMCee
is controlled through a configuration file. The interface available in key4hep
allowed a generation of the configuration file through command line switches. Starting from the command line switches is therefore always a good option when no confguration file is available.
Currently, KKMCee
does not have the option to save directly the events in EDM4hep
format. In order to get there we need first to generate the events in HepMC
format. Generating HepMC
What are the commands (options) to generate 10000 ditau events and saved them into the file kk_tautau_10000.hepmc ?
Suggested answer
KKMCee -f Tau -e 91.2 -n 10000 -o kk_tautau_10000.hepmc
Expand to see the example of the produced HepMC
The HepMC
output is an ASCII format and can browsed with for example more
$ more kk_tautau_10000.hepmc
HepMC::Version 3.02.04
E 0 4 11
A 4 spin 0.056005 -0.954208 0.293856
A 5 spin 0.862823 0.105210 0.494436
P 1 0 11 0.0000000000000000e+00 0.0000000000000000e+00 4.5599999997136848e+01 4.5600000000000001e+01 5.1099859770630950e-04 4
P 2 0 -11 0.0000000000000000e+00 0.0000000000000000e+00 -4.5599999997136848e+01 4.5600000000000001e+01 5.1099859770630950e-04 4
V -1 0 [1,2]
P 3 -1 23 0.0000000000000000e+00 0.0000000000000000e+00 0.0000000000000000e+00 9.1200000000000003e+01 9.1200000000000003e+01 2
P 4 3 15 7.5634198134957833e+00 1.9208578260382165e+01 -4.0620528002933362e+01 4.5600000000000001e+01 1.7770499999998681e+00 2
P 5 3 -15 -7.5634198134957833e+00 -1.9208578260382165e+01 4.0620528002933362e+01 4.5600000000000001e+01 1.7770499999998681e+00 2
P 6 4 16 1.5520648658275604e-01 1.3736795186996460e+00 -3.0399644374847412e+00 3.3395311832427979e+00 0.0000000000000000e+00 1
P 7 4 13 3.3498418331146240e+00 7.8049712181091309e+00 -1.7384153366088867e+01 1.9348358154296875e+01 1.0565830000000000e-01 1
P 8 4 -14 4.0583715438842773e+00 1.0029928207397461e+01 -2.0196411132812500e+01 2.2912111282348633e+01 0.0000000000000000e+00 1
P 9 5 -16 -3.4257166385650635e+00 -9.4930477142333984e+00 2.1268466949462891e+01 2.3541477203369141e+01 0.0000000000000000e+00 1
P 10 5 211 -9.6522146463394165e-01 -2.8242239952087402e+00 5.9299035072326660e+00 6.6401152610778809e+00 1.3957587329547499e-01 1
P 11 5 111 -3.1724817752838135e+00 -6.8913059234619141e+00 1.3422157287597656e+01 1.5418406486511230e+01 1.3496067957561880e-01 1
E 0 7 22
A 10 spin -0.526312 -0.653062 0.544523
A 11 spin 0.124883 0.876618 -0.464700
P 1 0 -11 0.0000000000000000e+00 0.0000000000000000e+00 -4.5599999997136848e+01 4.5600000000000001e+01 5.1099859770630950e-04 4
P 2 1 -11 2.3989162307273351e-04 3.2683144961857383e-05 -4.5053509135514268e+01 4.5053509084747823e+01 -2.1524472631665264e-03 2
P 3 1 22 -2.3989162307273351e-04 -3.2683144961857383e-05 -5.4649086162257743e-01 5.4649091525218030e-01 -1.2904784139758924e-08 1
P 4 0 11 0.0000000000000000e+00 0.0000000000000000e+00 4.5599999997136848e+01 4.5600000000000001e+01 5.1099859770630950e-04 4
P 5 4 11 -3.4272383325468539e-06 3.9756556219599252e-05 4.5471392649338441e+01 4.5471392646010933e+01 -5.5154828810563322e-04 2
P 6 4 22 3.4272383325468539e-06 -3.9756556219599252e-05 1.2860734779840696e-01 1.2860735398907067e-01 -3.2261960349397309e-09 1
P 7 2 -11 2.3978439291629699e-04 3.1121498922239849e-05 -4.4998932825148202e+01 4.4998932774359304e+01 -2.1515941974735880e-03 2
P 8 2 22 1.0723015643652809e-07 1.5616460396175375e-06 -5.4576310366068984e-02 5.4576310388516784e-02 -6.5854450798271929e-10 1
V -4 0 [5,7]
P 9 -4 23 2.3635715458375012e-04 7.0878055141839101e-05 4.7245982419023846e-01 9.0470325420370244e+01 9.0469091756916228e+01 2
P 10 9 15 -1.0567709246763060e+01 -4.0260638458492809e-01 4.4181853045814989e+01 4.5464630383293809e+01 1.7770500000003799e+00 2
P 11 9 -15 1.0567945603917645e+01 4.0267726264006992e-01 -4.3709393221624751e+01 4.5005695037076428e+01 1.7770500000001239e+00 2
P 12 10 16 -4.2494945526123047e+00 5.3450322151184082e-01 1.7407199859619141e+01 1.7926362991333008e+01 0.0000000000000000e+00 1
P 13 10 -211 -3.2984399795532227e+00 -2.7310401201248169e-01 1.5218788146972656e+01 1.5575150489807129e+01 1.3967110514153336e-01 1
P 14 10 111 -3.0197749137878418e+00 -6.6400557756423950e-01 1.1555866241455078e+01 1.1963118553161621e+01 1.3497032866486386e-01 1
P 15 11 -16 1.3823601500654497e+00 5.8997208178366942e-02 -6.8109338674845024e+00 6.9500518568222240e+00 0.0000000000000000e+00 1
P 16 11 211 1.1306452151024036e+00 9.9405550031272910e-02 -3.6136840095621445e+00 3.7903071607421510e+00 1.3955710658047393e-01 1
P 17 11 211 2.9148939828773184e+00 3.3597977559671632e-01 -1.0436451119833281e+01 1.0841977637941852e+01 1.3956283150401572e-01 1
P 18 11 -211 3.4269614119923486e+00 6.2251535093063998e-02 -1.5263612213083412e+01 1.5644337452123484e+01 1.3963076888122616e-01 1
P 19 11 111 1.5460559488251355e+00 -1.1916317312948667e-01 -6.7685473667467502e+00 6.9452098898073880e+00 1.3497443778768972e-01 1
P 20 11 22 1.3380509514620450e-04 -1.0323115492598167e-05 -3.8742519765868233e-04 4.1001055350006228e-04 0.0000000000000000e+00 1
P 21 11 22 6.4753176789756372e-05 3.6976379858981743e-06 -2.6864524513974572e-04 2.7636373526067825e-04 0.0000000000000000e+00 1
P 22 11 22 1.6683033237367961e-01 -3.4786968976788998e-02 -8.1550790025724251e-01 8.3312401741426301e-01 0.0000000000000000e+00 1
The detailed description of the ASCII HepMC
output can be found in Section 3.4 of HepMC3 writeup.
The first two line indicate the version of HepMC
(here 3.02.04) and the type of output, i.e. Asciiv3
supports also binary formats as output).
The block for each event starts with a line E
, indicating the event number, the number of vertices and the number of particles. The line staring with U
gives the adopted units for energy and distances. The lines starting with P
are the particle lines: the first integer is the particle number in the list, the second the particle number of the parent particle, the third the PDG
particle ID, then we have the 3-momentum, the nergy and the mass; finally the status, with status==1
labelling stable particles entering leaving the interaction point and entering the detector. The lines starting with A
indicate additional attributes: the can be per run, per event or per element of the listing. In this case they are used to provide helicity information for the two taus: the first number is the particle number, the second the name of the attribute, the rest the helicity information.
Q: What can be conidered strange in the above listing ?
Suggested answer
A close-up look at the listing rasing two questions
1. The number of the second event is still 0. This is due to a bug in the HepMC
interface of KKMCee
; it has no influence
in the following processing, since not really used.
2. The number of vertices does not seem to correspond to what found in the listing. The number of vertices, for example 4 in the first listing, correponds to the collision plus the decays one: the collision one is indicated by V
, the other 3 are not indicated explicitely, but can be infered by looking at the particles having the same non-null parent ID: the decays of the Z boson (PDG id = 23), of Tau- (
The remaining output files from the run are found in the KKMCee-<date>-<time>
directory. In particular the file pro.output
contains at the end information about the process cross-section.
In this example
$ tail -37 KKMCee-<date>-<time>/pro.output
**** KKMCee Finalize ****
* *
* **************************************** *
* ****** KKMCee::Finalize ****** *
* **************************************** *
* f_NevGen = 10000 = No. of generated events *
* XsPrimPb = 2700.8373 = Primary from Foam [pb] *
* FoamInteg = 1713.9085 = Crude from FOAM [pb] *
* +- = 0.0015374453 = error *
* **************************************** *
* <WtMain> = 0.5480549 = average WtMain *
* +- = 0.0014250983 = error abs. *
* XsMain = 1480.2071 = Xsection main [pb] *
* +- = 0.0070229434 = error absolute *
* +- = 0.0026002838 = error relative *
* ********** More from WtMainMonit ******* *
* AveWt = 0.5480549 = average <WtMain> *
* ERela = 0.0026002838 = relative error *
* sigma = 0.38497968 = dispersion of WtMain *
* DB_WTmax = 4 = input WTmax *
* WtMax = 4.2012103 = maximum WTmain *
* WtMin = 0 = mainimum WTmain *
* AvUnd = 0 = underflow *
* AvOve = 5.5091102e-06 = overflow *
* AvOve/<Wt> = 1.0052114e-05 = relative: AvOve/AveWt *
* Ntot = 72977 = Ntot primary events *
* Nacc = 10000 = accepted events *
* Nacc/Ntot = 0.13702948 = acceptance rate *
* Nneg = 0 = WT<0 events *
* Nove = 2 = WT>WTmax events *
* Nove/Ntot = 2.7405895e-05 = Nove/Ntot *
* Nzer = 1201 = WT=0 events *
* *
i.e the total ditau cross-section at 91.2 GeV from KKMCee
is 1480.2 +- 7.0 pb . HepMC
to EDM4hep
In order to get the events in EDM4hep
format, we will use Gaudi
and the tools available in k4FWCore and k4Gen. We need a Gaudi steering file that reads the HepMC
file and writes out the EDM4hep
A minimal version of such a steering code is available on the tutorial reference page:
wget http://fccsw.web.cern.ch/tutorials/october2020/tutorial1/hepmc2edm.py .
Let’s see what it does: that is shown by the first line of the help function
$ k4run hepmc2edm.py -h
--> GenAlg --> HepMCToEDMConverter --> out
... Dissection of hepmc2edm.py
The tool that we need is HepMCFileReader, which is a GaudiTool
, not a GaudiAlgorithm
, which is used as a signal provider (such as a Monte Carlo generator) within the Generator Algorithm (GenAlg). This is done in this part of the code:
from Configurables import HepMCFileReader
hepmcreader = HepMCFileReader()
from Configurables import GenAlg
reader = GenAlg()
reader.SignalProvider = hepmcreader
reader.hepmc.Path = "hepmc"
ApplicationMgr().TopAlg += [reader]
Then we convert the event from HepMC
to EDM4hep
with the HepMCToEDMConverter:
from Configurables import HepMCToEDMConverter
hepmc_converter = HepMCToEDMConverter()
hepmc_converter.GenParticles.Path = "GenParticles"
ApplicationMgr().TopAlg += [hepmc_converter]
Finally we write out the converted events into a file with the PodioOutput algorithm:
from Configurables import PodioOutput
out = PodioOutput("out", filename = "hepmc2edm_output.root")
out.outputCommands = ["keep *"]
ApplicationMgr().TopAlg += [out] Running hepmc2edm.py
Among the hepmc2edm
switches relevant for the purpose are those controling input an output files:
$ k4run hepmc2edm.py -h
Name of the HepMC file to read [HepMCFileReader]
--out.filename [OUT.FILENAME], --filename.out [OUT.FILENAME]
Name of the file to create [PodioOutput]
We would like the output file to be called kk_tautau_10000.e4h.root
. Which command should we use for that?
Check answer
k4run hepmc2edm.py -n 10000 --GenAlg.HepMCFileReader.Filename kk_tautau_10000.hepmc --out.filename kk_tautau_10000.e4h.root
Q: Can you explain why we need to pass the -n 10000
switch and how you could modify hepmc2edm.py
to avoid that?
Check answer
Because hepmc2edm.py
contains this piece of code:
from Configurables import ApplicationMgr
The setting EvtMax=1
is overwritten by -n <n_evts>
. To avoid this one could set EvtMax=10000
inside hepmc2edm.py
Note en passant that the EDM4hep
file is much smaller than the HepMC
$ ls -lt
total 43032
-rw-r--r-- 1 ganis vboxsf 3661630 Oct 18 2022 kk_tautau_10000.e4h.root
-rw-r--r-- 1 ganis vboxsf 1232 Oct 18 2022 hepmc2edm.py
drwxr-xr-x 1 ganis vboxsf 288 Oct 18 16:12 KKMCee-18Oct2022-161012
-rw-r--r-- 1 ganis vboxsf 19584017 Oct 18 16:12 kk_tautau_10000.hepmc
Q: Can you explain why?
Check answer
Because kk_tautau_10000.e4h.root
is a ROOT
file, which binary and compressed. Generating ditaus with Pythia8
As explained in the dedicated Pythia8 section, to use Pythia8
we need a configuration file. To generate ditau events we will use the file
$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HEP-FCC/FCC-config/main/FCCee/Generator/Pythia8/p8_ee_Ztautau_ecm91.cmd
Q: How will we run it? (hint: check specific section)
k4run pythia.py -n 10000 --out.filename p8_tautau_10000.d4h.root --Pythia8.PythiaInterface.pythiacard p8_ee_Ztautau_ecm91.cmd
Running will take a few minutes. Among the last lines of the output there should be the total cross-section for the process:
*------- PYTHIA Event and Cross Section Statistics -------------------------------------------------------------*
| |
| Subprocess Code | Number of events | sigma +- delta |
| | Tried Selected Accepted | (estimated) (mb) |
| | | |
| | | |
| f fbar -> gamma*/Z0 221 | 140682 10000 10000 | 1.458e-06 7.715e-09 |
| | | |
| sum | 140682 10000 10000 | 1.458e-06 7.715e-09 |
| |
*------- End PYTHIA Event and Cross Section Statistics ----------------------------------------------------------*
i.e. 1458.0 +- 7.7 pb.
Q: How the cross-sections compare?
The differences of teh corss-section calculated by KKMCee
and Pythia8
is (1480.2 - 1458.0) pb = 22.2 pb ; the errors have a statistical and systematic component. Assuming half and half for statistical and systematics, and the systematics fully correlated, the error on the difference is about 8.5 pb, i.e. the two calculatons differ by 2.6 standard deviations. What would you check first? Generating ditaus with Whizard
As explained in the dedicated Whizard section, to use whizard
we need a Sindarin
configuration file. To generate ditau events we will use the file
$ wget http://fccsw.web.cern.ch/tutorials/october2020/tutorial1/Z_tautau.sin
and run it in a dedicate directory to not pollute the working one withe the many files produced:
$ mkdir -p whizard/tautau; cd whizard/tautau;
$ whizard ../../Z_tautau.sin
The output created by whizard
is LHEf
(Les Houches Event format); this is because the curent build does not support writing HepMC
; this may change in the future.
Exercise: look at produced LHEf
file z_tautau.lhe
: what di we notice?
The taus are not decayed. Investigate if a Sindarin option to decay taus exists.
The first lines of the LHEf
file give the total cross-section: 1502 +- 2 pb, which seems dfinetly higher than the othesr. LHEf
to EDM4hep
In order to get the events in EDM4hep
format, we eploit the fact that Pythia
provides LHEf
reader functionality. To activate that we will use Gaudi
and special .cmd
file the consider the input LHEf
input file as a Beam
. This special .cmd
is called Pythia_LHEinput.cmd
and it is available under the directory pointed by $K4GEN
S cp -rp $K4GEN/Pythia_LHEinput.cmd
Please note the lines
! 4) Read-in Les Houches Event file - alternative beam and process selection.
Beams:frameType = 4 ! read info from a LHEF
Beams:LHEF = Generation/data/events.lhe ! the LHEF to read from
This file needs to be edited to enter the exact locaton of the input file (it could also be a symlink to avoid always editng the file.
As steering we will use the file lhe2edm.py which run the following sequence:
$ wget http://fccsw.web.cern.ch/tutorials/october2020/tutorial1/lhe2edm.py
$ k4run lhe2edm.py -h
--> Pythia8 --> HepMCToEDMConverter --> HepMCFileWriter --> StableParticles --> out
The HepMCFileWriter
step is redundant and only serves at converting also in HepMC
for controls.
The conversion is run by the usual comand:
$ k4run lhe2edm.py -n 10000 --out.filename wz_tautau_10000.e4h.root --HepMCFileWriter.Filename wz_tautau_10000.hepmc Looking at the produced files: the MCParticle class
Despite being ROOT files, the EDM4hep
files are not easily usable, beaue they contain information in EDM4hep classes.
A good practie is to use some helper function available in FCAnalyses to create flat
ntuple, much more readable. Creating flat ntuples with FCCAnalyses
To create flat ntuples using FCCAnalyses we need a Python
script to be feed into the framework.
An example is available in make_flat.py.
You should have a lok and try to understand what it does. It adds a few event varialbe whihc would be useful to compare.
In order to run it with FCCAnalyses
we have to call it like this:
fccanalysis run make_flat.py --test --output kk_tautau_10000.flat.root
and the same the other files.
Exercise: add a variable invmass
with the invariant mass of the two taus.
Look at the the scalarProdNorm
. Comparing distributions
This is the final exercise: write a ROOT
macro, in Python
or C++
, to compare the global event variables acol
, n_charged
and cthetauminus
, and perhaps also invmass
Look at the ROOT
tutorials for RDataFrame
, TTree
and Hist
What can you say from the comparison?