2. Generators, Fast Simulation and Analysis
If you want to get started with generation and analysis of fast-simulated events, you’re at the right place.
Fast simulation is currently supported through the Delphes approach. Support for the Papas approach, initially used for FCC-ee, is discontinued.
An analysis ntuple will be produced with ROOT’s RDataFrame, a simple modular event processing framework for high energy physics.
If you have any problems or questions, you can open an issue on the GitHub repository where these lessons are developed.
- 2.1. FCC: Getting started with event generation
- 2.1.1. Overview
- 2.1.2. Enabling FCCSW
- 2.1.3. Generators
- 2.1.4. Hands-on case study: ditau events with Pythia8, Whizard and KKMCee
- 2.2. FCC: Getting started with simulating events in Delphes
- 2.3. FCC: Analysing simulated events
- 2.4. FCC: tracking and vertexing example using specific flavour decays
- 2.5. FCCAnalyses: Common problems and solutions
- 2.5.1. Prerequisites
- 2.5.2. Overall organisation of analysis code (C++)
- 2.5.3. Reading objects from EDM4hep
- 2.5.4. Association between
- 2.5.5. Navigation through the history of the MC particles
- 2.5.6. Writing a new analyzer
- 2.5.7. Writing a new struct
- 2.5.8. Writing a new module
- 2.5.9. Writing your own analysis using the case-studies generator
- 2.6. Central production of events
- 2.6.1. Clone and initialisation
- 2.6.2. Generate LHE files from gripacks
- 2.6.3. Generate LHE files directly from MG5
- 2.6.4. Generate STDHEP files directly from Whizard + Pythia6
- 2.6.5. Generate EDM4hep files from the LHE and decay with Pythia8
- 2.6.6. Generate EDM4hep files from STDHEP
- 2.6.7. Generate EDM4hep files from Pythia8
- 2.6.8. Expert mode
- 2.6.9. Produce samples with EventProducer outside of official campaign