| geant_fullsim_ecal.podioevent = FCCDataSvc("EventDataSvc") |
| geant_fullsim_ecal.geantservice = SimG4Svc("SimG4Svc", detector="SimG4DD4hepDetector", physicslist="SimG4FtfpBert", actions="SimG4FullSimActions") |
| Geant4 service Configures the Geant simulation: geometry, physics list and user actions.
| geant_fullsim_ecal.geoservice |
| DD4hep geometry service Parses the given xml file.
| geant_fullsim_ecal.saveecaltool = SimG4SaveCalHits("saveECalHits", readoutNames = ["ECalBarrelEta"]) |
| Geant4 algorithm Translates EDM to G4Event, passes the event to G4, writes out outputs via tools first, create a tool that saves the calorimeter hits Name of that tool in GAUDI is "XX/YY" where XX is the tool class name ("SimG4SaveTrackerHits") and YY is the given name ("saveTrackerHits")
| geant_fullsim_ecal.Path |
| geant_fullsim_ecal.savecalendcaptool = SimG4SaveCalHits("saveCalEndcapHits", readoutNames = ["EMECPhiEta"]) |
| geant_fullsim_ecal.particle_converter = SimG4PrimariesFromEdmTool("EdmConverter") |
| geant_fullsim_ecal.geantsim |
| geant_fullsim_ecal.out |
| geant_fullsim_ecal.outputCommands |
| geant_fullsim_ecal.TopAlg |
| geant_fullsim_ecal.EvtSel |
| geant_fullsim_ecal.EvtMax |
| geant_fullsim_ecal.ExtSvc |
| order is important, as GeoSvc is needed by SimG4Svc
| geant_fullsim_ecal.OutputLevel |