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In this tutorial you will learn how to use the common key4hep tools for fast, parametrized detector simulation with Delphes. We will use the FCC-hh baseline detector scenario and run on Higgs pair production events. We assume that the actual event generation step is already done, and so we will start from existing Les Houches Event (LHE) files. We will then use Pythia for the hadronization & particle decays, and Delphes for the detector simulation, resulting in EDM4HEP “reco”-level events.

You will get an overview of how the parametrized detector response simulation works, as well as of the EDM4HEP event data model.

In the second part of the tutorial, we will make some simple plots from the EDM4HEP we produced.

Fast simulation with k4SimDelphes starting from existing LHE files

Check if you have setup the software stack and the DelphesPythia8_EDM4HEP executable is available, by running which DelphesPythia8_EDM4HEP. If this doesn’t return a path like /cvmfs/<somewhere>/DelphesPythia8_EDM4HEP please follow the instructions here (again).

For the usecase of running Delphes fast simulation to produce EDM4HEP files, we only need this executable. But you can check which other Delphes utilities are available in your installation by just using the autocomplete functionality, i.e. typing Delphes - this will show you the whole list. They all interface different modules and run with different input/output formats - the names should give you a clue which ones exactly. As mentioned already `DelphesPythia8_EDM4HEP` interfaces `Delphes` and `Pythia8` and outputs `EDM4HEP` files, rather than using the `Delphes` output file format. Another example is `DelphesSTDHEP_EDM4HEP` which uses `STDHEP` as input file format. Here you can really see the strength of having a common software ecosystem like `key4hep` - the same utility is offered for many specific usecases.

We can check how to actually run the exectuable in question with the help option, for example:

DelphesPythia8_EDM4HEP -h


Usage: DelphesPythia8config_file output_config_file pythia_card output_file
config_file - configuration file in Tcl format,
output_config_file - configuration file steering the content of the edm4hep output in Tcl format,
pythia_card - Pythia8 configuration file,
output_file - output file in ROOT format.

telling us which input arguments it expects. Let’s go through them:

Task: Run the event simulation using the cards and inputs as described above.

Solution `DelphesPythia8_EDM4HEP $DELPHES_DIR/cards/FCC/scenarios/FCChh_II.tcl $K4SIMDELPHES/edm4hep_output_config.tcl ./PythiaCard/tester_pwp8_pp_hh_5f_hhbbyy.cmd tutorial_output.root`

You should see Pythia starting up and summarizing its settings, for example


*-------  PYTHIA Process Initialization  --------------------------*
 |                                                                  |
 | We collide p+ with p+ at a CM energy of 1.000e+05 GeV            |
 |                                                                  |


and a list of modules that it initialised, such as importantly Delphes and all its submodules required by the input card:


** INFO: initializing module  Delphes                  
** INFO: initializing module  ParticlePropagator       
** INFO: initializing module  ChargedHadronTrackingEfficiency
** INFO: initializing module  ElectronTrackingEfficiency
** INFO: initializing module  MuonTrackingEfficiency   
** INFO: initializing module  ChargedHadronMomentumSmearing
** INFO: initializing module  ElectronMomentumSmearing 
** INFO: initializing module  MuonMomentumSmearing


Then it will process 10 events, which should be quick. Let’s first take a step back to understand what we processed here exactly.

Take a look at the Pythia card, and find the answers to the following questions:

Answers - l2 of the Pythia card - We are filtering for bbyy decays, so one Higgs boson (PDG ID 25) decays to a pair of b-quarks (PDG ID 5) and the other to two photons (PDG ID 22). - The LHE file is found in LHEInput\lhe_tester_ggHH.lhe. - POWHEG-BOX-V2, see l3 of the LHE file. - It contains 10 000 events, see l27 of the LHE file. - The production mode is gluon-gluon fusion, in a proton proton collison at 100 TeV, see l5, l28f and l30f.

Next, lets look at the Delphes card to see how the fast simulation works. For the FCC-hh scenario, we are modelling a detector layout of an inner tracker, followed by electromagnetic and hadronic calorimenters, as well as a separate muon system, which provides better precision and efficiency on muon measurements than the tracker. Parametrizations in bins of the pseudorapidity η and the transverse momentum pT are used to model the response across the different regions of the detector. Roughly, the fast simulation proceeds in the following main steps:


Answers - Muons tracks are reconstructed up to |eta| < 6, l255 of the Delphes card. - Electrons deposit 100% of their energy in the ECal, for Kaons it's 30%, l379 and l393f. - Jets with pT > 25 GeV are reconstructed, l709. - The b-tagging efficiency in this bin is 83%, l1225. - The maximum photon identification efficiency is in the bin |eta| < 4.0, pT > 10 GeV and it's around 90% (0.95^2), l1009 and l1013.

Finally, let’s take a look at the edm4hep_output_config.tcl file. This tells us which Delphes objects we want to store in our EDM4HEP output and under what name. Can you match the objects here to those in the Delphes card?

Task: Add a new EDM4HEP output collection to store the photons before the isolation requirement and the overlap removal and rerun the DelphesPythia8 step.

Optional task: If you want to create your own file with higher statistics to use for the next part of the tutorial, you can edit the Pythia card to use the full LHE statistics. As this takes some time to run, please submit a job for running this to the batch. The job will take at least 40 min, so this step is fully optional, only if you have time. If you are not familiar with submitting to the batch, there are some pointers here.

To wrap up this part of the tutorial, let’s take a quick look at the .root output file we produced. You can open and inspect as usual. The tree in it is called events. It follows the EDM4HEP data model. This is a common event data model for future collider experiments, or in other words, a common format convention on what information of each event is stored in the ROOT file and how exactly. In detail the format looks like this:

edm4hep data model

If you are doing analysis, you will mostly be interested in the ReconstructedParticle collection, which contains all objects reconstructed from the detector responses such as tracks and calorimeter clusters, with the ParticleID collection telling us the (likely) type of particle. You can take a look at some of the raw distributions here already, to convince yourself that you actually wrote out some events, but in the next part we will use podio to plot in a more convenient way.

Note: You have produced an EDM4HEP file in the previous tutorial on event generation already. How is it different from the new one we produced here?

Simple plots with podio

In this part of the tutorial, we will use the podio toolkit from the key4hep stack to make some simple plots from the EDM4HEP file. In a nutshell, podio generates the code (i.e. functions to access the values) from reading the event data model definition. If you are interested in the technical details, you can read more about it here.

The event data model of EDM4HEP is given in this .yaml file. If you look at the block starting at l455, you can see what information we have available on our ReconstructedParticles.

With podio, we can now read the file, access the tree and do a regular event loop. A template of the code needed for this is given in plotting/

You can use your own file from the previous step, if you produced it, or you can copy it from /user/bstapf/Topical_Lectures_March2024/future_particle_colliders_tutorial/Tutorial2_DELPHES/tutorial_output_noIso.root or download it from here.

Task 1 Plot the number of photons and the invariant mass of the first photon pair in the event, myy. You can use utils.p4(<ReconstructedParticle>) to retrieve the four momentum of a ReconstructedParticle.

Task 2 Add also the distribution of number of photons before the isolation requirement, using the extra container you added in the previous part of the tutorial. How does it compare to the number of isolated photons?

Additionally, you can also plot the IsolationVar itself, that a cut is made on during the Delphes fast simulation. Look into the EDM4HEP for the name of this collection, and how you can read the value of this for one photon in the event. Plot it for the isolated, as well as the non-isolated photons. What value did we cut on to define an isolated photon, can you find this back in the Delphes card? Hint: Plotting with logarithmic y-axis is helpful here.

Further reading