Search for Feebly/Weakly Interacting Particles (FIP/WIP)
- This case study concerns the search for ALPS in final states containing photons to extract requirement on the electromagnetic calorimeter
- Different processes and regions of the parameter space can correspond to events with one or more photons. Sometimes accompanied by missing energy,
sometimes the kinematic of the photons is such that they might get merged by the reconstruction.
- In some parts of the parameter space the process can give rise to an ALP that has a displaced decay, this can be used to derive pointing capabilities as well.
Monte Carlo Benchmarks
- To be defined: generator, choice of parameter for the processes
- Initial analysis using Delphes with different cards for different EM calorimeter options and granularity
- Full Simulation needed to extract final results
- [Presentations at the PPC of March 15,2021] (
Case studies