Future Circular Collider

FCC Software

Physics software for the Future Circular Collider.


FCC Software provides a set of software packages, tools, and standards to help different FCC physics efforts work together. The software ecosystem of the FCC fully employs Key4hep stack and is one of its main stakeholders.


The FCC Software ecosystem spans many sites, repositories and packages. The list of links below tries to offer a starting point.

All developments happen in github.com/HEP-FCC and github.com/key4hep. The best place to check for detailed information on a specific package thus is usually its homepage / Github repository page.

Getting Started

Meeting People and Getting Help

Software Core

  • ROOT: An open-source data analysis framework used by high energy physics and others.
  • EDM4hep: Event Data Model of Key4hep.
  • podio: Data model generator and I/O layer.
  • Gaudi: Main event processing framework used by Key4hep.
  • key4hep/k4FWCore: Basic Gaudi I/O components.
  • Geant4: Toolkit for the simulation of the passage of particles through matter.
  • DD4hep: Detector Description Toolkit used by Key4hep.

Gaudi Packages



  • Phoenix@FCC: 3D event and detector visualization.
  • eede: Visualization of EDM4hep event data.


The full list of all FCC Software repositories can be found on GitHub here and all Key4hep repositories can be found here.

FCC Software Meetings