▼NAnalysisFCChh | |
CMCParticlePair | |
CRecoParticlePair | |
▼Ncontrib | |
CValenciaBriefJet | |
CValenciaInfo | Class that contains the algorithm parameters R and beta |
CValenciaPlugin | ValenciaPlugin is a plugin for fastjet (v2.4 upwards) |
▼NFCCAnalyses | FCC analyzers collection |
►NAlgorithms | Various algorithms |
Ccalculate_thrust | Calculates the thrust axis by looping over all possible combinations |
CgetAxisCharge | Get the weighted charge in a given hemisphere (defined by it's angle wrt to axis). For definition see eq1 https://arxiv.org/pdf/1209.2421.pdf |
CgetAxisEnergy | Get the energy in a given hemisphere (defined by it's angle wrt to axis). Returns 3 values: total, charged, neutral energies |
CgetAxisMass | Get the invariant mass in a given hemisphere (defined by it's angle wrt to axis) |
CgetAxisN | Get the number of particles in a given hemisphere (defined by it's angle wrt to axis). Returns 3 values: total, charged, neutral multiplicity |
CgetThrustPointing | Make the thrust axis points to hemisphere with maximum or minimum energy |
Cjets_TwoHemispheres | Make "jets" by splitting the events into two hemisphere transverse to the thrust axis |
Cminimize_sphericity | Calculates the sphericity axis based on a list of px, py, pz |
Cminimize_thrust | Finds the thrust axis based on a list of px, py, pz |
CsphericityFit | Function that runs the fit for the sphericity axis determination |
CthrustFit | Function that runs the fit for the thrust axis determination |
►NCaloNtupleizer | |
CgetFloatAt | |
Csel_layers | Select layers |
►NJetClusteringUtils | Jet clustering interface utilities |
CrecoilBuilder | |
CresonanceBuilder | |
Csel_pt | Select clustered jets with transverse momentum greader than a minimum value [GeV] |
►NJetTaggingUtils | Jet tagging interface utilities |
Csel_tag | Select a list of jets depending on the status of a certain boolean flag (corresponding to its tagging state) |
►NMCParticle | Analyzers operating on/with Monte Carlo particles |
Cfilter_pdgID | Filter events based on a MCParticles PDGID |
Cget_decay | Get the decay of a given particle |
Cget_EventPrimaryVertex | Return the event primary vertex (mm) |
Cget_EventPrimaryVertexP4 | Return the event primary vertex position and time (mm) |
Cget_indices | Return a list of indices that correspond to a given MC decay. The list contains the index of the mother, followed by the indices of the daughters, in the order specified. If m_inclusiveDecay is true, the list of daughters is the minimum required for the mother's decay (otherwise, the list is the exact daughters required for the mother's decay). In case there are several such decays in the event, keep only the first one |
Cget_indices_ExclusiveDecay | A shorthand for get_indices, with m_chargeConjugateDaughters=false, inclusiveDecay=false |
Cget_tree | Get MC history tree for a given MCParticle index |
Csel_genStatus | Select MCParticles with their status |
Csel_pdgID | Select MCParticles with their PDG id |
Csel_pt | Select MCParticles with transverse momentum greater than a minimum value [GeV] |
►NmyUtils | |
Cbuild_D0 | |
Cbuild_tau23pi | |
CFCCAnalysesComposite | |
CFCCAnalysesComposite2 | |
Cfilter_PV | |
Csel_PID | |
Csel_PV | |
►NReconstructedParticle | |
Cangular_separationBuilder | Return the angular separations (min / max / average) between a collection of particles |
CrecoilBuilder | Build the recoil from an arbitrary list of input ReconstructedPartilces and the center of mass energy |
CresonanceBuilder | Build the resonance from 2 particles from an arbitrary list of input ReconstructedPartilces. Keep the closest to the mass given as input |
Csel_absType | Select ReconstructedParticles by type absolute value Note: type might not correspond to PDG ID |
Csel_axis | Select a list of reconstructed particles depending on the angle cosTheta axis |
Csel_charge | Select ReconstructedParticles with charge equal or in asolute value |
Csel_eta | Select ReconstructedParticles with absolute pseudorapidity less than a maximum absolute value |
Csel_p | Select ReconstructedParticles with momentum greater than a minimum value [GeV] |
Csel_pt | Select ReconstructedParticles with transverse momentum greater than a minimum value [GeV] |
Csel_tag | Select a list of reconstructed particles depending on the status of a certain boolean flag |
Csel_type | Select ReconstructedParticles by type Note: type might not correspond to PDG ID |
►NReconstructedParticle2MC | |
CgetRP2MC_p_func | Select ReconstructedParticles with transverse momentum greater than a minimum value [GeV] |
CselRP_PDG | Select ReconstructedParticles matched with a MC particle of a given PDG_id |
CselRP_PDG_index | Select ReconstructedParticles matched with a MC particle of a given PDG_id |
►NSmearObjects | |
CSmearedReconstructedParticle | Generates new reco particles, smeared by given parameters |
CSmearedTracks | Generates new track states, by rescaling the covariance matrix of the tracks |
CSmearedTracksdNdx | Generates new track dNdx, by rescaling the poisson error of the cluster count |
CSmearedTracksTOF | Generates new tracker hits, by rescaling the timing measurement |
►NVertexingUtils | Vertexing utilities |
CFCCAnalysesV0 | Structure to keep useful information that is related to the V0 |
CFCCAnalysesVertex | Structure to keep useful track information that is related to the vertex |
CFCCAnalysesVertexMC | Structure to keep useful track information that is related to the vertex |
CselTracks | Selection of particles based on the d0 / z0 significances of the associated track |
▼NFCCAnalyses | |
►NPodioSource | |
►NLink | |
CselAbsPDG | Analyzer to select links where MC particle has a specified absolute value of PDG ID |
CselGenStatus | Analyzer to select links where the MC particle has a specified generator status |
CselPDG | Analyzer to select links where the MC particle has a specified PDG ID |
►NReconstructedParticle | |
CrecoilBuilder | Build the recoil from an arbitrary list of input resonances at the specified center of mass energy |
CresonanceBuilder | Build two particle resonances from an arbitrary list of input reconstructed particles |
CselAbsPDG | Analyzer to select reconstructed particles associated with MC particle with the specified absolute value of the PDG ID |
CselGenStatus | Analyzer to select reconstructed particles associated with the MC particle of the desired generator status |
CselPDG | Analyzer to select reconstructed particles associated with MC particle of the specified PDG ID |
CselPt | Select reconstructed particles with transverse momentum greater than a minimum value [GeV] |
CselUpTo | Analyzer to select specified number of reconstructed particles |
►NTrack | |
CselPDG | Analyzer to select tracks associated with a MC particle of a specified PDG ID |
▼NJetClustering | Jet clustering interface |
Cclustering_antikt | Jet Clustering interface for antikt |
Cclustering_cambridge | Jet Clustering interface for Cambridge |
Cclustering_ee_genkt | Jet Clustering interface for ee_genkt |
Cclustering_ee_kt | Jet Clustering interface for ee_kt |
Cclustering_genkt | Jet Clustering interface for genkt |
Cclustering_jade | Jet Clustering interface for jade |
Cclustering_kt | Jet Clustering interface for kt |
Cclustering_valencia | Jet Clustering interface for valencia |
CFCCAnalysesJet | Structure to keep useful informations for the jets |
▼NjetClusteringHelper | |
CExclusiveJetClusteringHelper | |
▼NjetFlavourHelper | |
CJetFlavourHelper | |
▼NTMVAHelper | |
CTMVAHelperXGB | |
CExternalRecombiner | |
ClogNormal | LogNormal smearing in the form of sqrt(aX^2 + bX + c) |
CONNXRuntime | |
Ctmva_helper_xgb | |
▼CWeaverInterface | |
►CPreprocessParams | |
CVarInfo | |